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Redesigning a Golf Swing Analyzer

Role: Project Manager and Lead Designer

In a 3-week timeframe, we were tasked to redesign a companion mobile application for the eSwing golf analyzer hardware. 

Project Goals

3 Person Team

Paper & Pencil
Balsamiq Mockups

3 Weeks

Project Goals


  • Original Application

  • User Testing

  • Persona

  • UX Vision

  • Comparative Analysis

  • Shots Onboarding

  • Club Selection Iterations

  • Landing Page Iterations

  • Session Setup Iterations

  • Statistics Iterations

  • Final Product

  • Next Steps

Original Application

The Original Application

The eSwing hardware records a player's golf swing and displays all the physical data associated.


The hardware was well developed but their mobile application was cumbersome and the displayed information was confusing. We were tasked to redesign the interface to make it more user-friendly.


In order to determine our target user base we conducted some user testing 


  • Wants to improve his swing

  • Likes being able to track his data

  • Wants the ability to share swing data




  • Doesn’t have time for regular appointments with a trainer

  • Tends to get overwhelmed with too much information on one screen

  • Has a hard time relaxing and swinging comfortably in front of a trainer


Phil Woodworth

I would practice more if I knew what I was doing right and what I was doing wrong. During a swing change, I want to regularly check that I’m still doing things right.

32 - Accountant

User Testing

2 Surveys

Over 200 Responses


User Interviews

User Driver Interations

User Testing

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The owners of eSwing developed golf swing analyzer hardware that would help golfers of any level develop a consistent and reliable swing using detailed and powerful metrics. They had a preliminary companion application however, it was difficult to navigate and confounding to their core demographic. This case study will focus on onboarding and 



The subscription service that tracks golf swing data and spits out information for users

The Problem

eSwing is a fancy golf swing analyzer; the hardware records a player's golf swing while the app displays all the physical data associated. After Golfers complete their session, they will receive a PDF compiling all of their swings for record-keeping. The eSwing system is a subscription-based ecosystem. Users are charged by the shot, all analytics are included in the purchase


The owners of eSwing were looking to start seeking Angel funding to get their hardware off the ground floor; unfortunately, their preliminary application was a major hurdle. During testing users reported that the UI was clunky and hard to navigate to the point that using the hardware was a non-starter for casual users and the technologically unsavvy, a key group of eSwing's demographic.

What Can We Do?

After conducting user interviews and breaking down 200 responses from surveys we landed on three key features the app needed to launch an MVP.


Guilded Onboarding 

A key addition due to the feature-rich nature of the application and the key demographic


Multiple Data Views



So What Can We Do?

They had a preliminary companion application; however, it was difficult to navigate and confounding to their core demographic.



" ... feels like I'm an old-school pilot"

"how do I find my current arc again?"


The hardware was solid and provided extremely detailed metrics but it was hard to break down on both the 



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